What is the "servers" Section in OpenAPI?

What is the “servers” Section in OpenAPI? #

OpenAPI, previously known as Swagger, is a powerful standard for defining APIs, providing a structured framework for creating, documenting, and consuming APIs. One of the essential components of an OpenAPI document is the servers section. This article will explore the significance, structure, and best practices for using the servers section in your OpenAPI specifications.

Understanding OpenAPI #

To understand the servers section, it is beneficial to have a general understanding of OpenAPI itself. OpenAPI is a specification that allows developers to define the endpoints, parameters, authentication methods, and other aspects of an API in a machine-readable format. This format is typically written in either YAML or JSON and can be used to generate interactive API documentation, client SDKs, and server stubs automatically.

The OpenAPI specification is maintained by the OpenAPI Initiative, a collaboration among industry leaders to standardize API descriptions.

The Role of the servers Section #

The servers section in an OpenAPI document specifies one or more server URLs for your API. It’s an array of server objects, where each object provides information about a specific server available for the API. This section is critical because it tells API consumers where they can access the endpoints defined in your OpenAPI document.

Basic Structure #

The typical structure of the servers section looks like this in YAML format:

  - url: https://api.example.com/v1
    description: Production server
  - url: https://staging-api.example.com/v1
    description: Staging server

Elements of the servers Section #

Each server object may contain the following fields:

  • url: (Required) The base URL for the API.
  • description: (Optional) A brief description of the server.
  • variables: (Optional) A map of variables to be substituted in the server’s URL template.

Let’s delve deeper into each of these elements.


The url field is the hostname (and possibly the port and path) where the API is served. This is the most critical element, as it directs consumers to the entry point of your API. The URL can also support templating, allowing for more dynamic configurations.

  - url: https://{environment}.example.com/v1
        default: api
          - api
          - staging-api
          - dev-api

In the example above, {environment} is a template variable that can be substituted with one of the values listed in the enum.

Description #

The description field is an optional text field where you can describe the purpose or role of the server. This is particularly useful when you have multiple servers such as development, staging, and production.

  - url: https://api.example.com/v1
    description: Production server
  - url: https://staging-api.example.com/v1
    description: Staging server intended for QA testing

A good description helps consumers quickly understand the appropriate usage of each server.

Variables #

The variables field allows for substituting parts of the server URL with variable values. This makes the URLs more dynamic and flexible. Each variable can have the following sub-fields:

  • default: (Required) The default value for the variable.
  • enum: (Optional) An array of string values to limit the options for the variable.
  • description: (Optional) A description of the variable.

Here’s an example:

  - url: https://{environment}.example.com/v1
    description: Templated server URL
        default: api
          - api
          - staging-api
          - dev-api
        description: The stage environment of the API

In this case, you can control which environment the URL points to by changing the value of the environment variable.

Importance of the servers Section #

The servers section is not just a convenient way to list multiple endpoints; it plays an essential role in API versioning, environment separation, and ease of testing.

API Versioning #

By specifying different URLs for each version of your API, you can maintain backward compatibility while iterating on new versions. This enables you to update your API incrementally without disrupting existing users.

  - url: https://api.example.com/v1
    description: Production server V1
  - url: https://api.example.com/v2
    description: Production server V2

Environment Separation #

APIs often have different environments such as development, staging, QA, and production. Each of these environments can be represented in the servers section, offering a clear distinction between them.

  - url: https://dev-api.example.com/v1
    description: Development server
  - url: https://qa-api.example.com/v1
    description: QA server for testing
  - url: https://api.example.com/v1
    description: Production server

Ease of Testing #

Multiple server URLs facilitate easier testing and experimentation. Consumers of the API can switch between environments without changing the core logic in their applications.

Best Practices #

While writing your servers section, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Clarity and Documentation: Always provide a description for each server to clearly state its purpose.

  2. Use Variables Wisely: Use URL templating effectively to reduce redundancy and make URLs easy to manage.

  3. Consistency: Follow a consistent naming convention in your URLs and descriptions across different environments and versions.

  4. Security: Ensure that sensitive information is not exposed in the servers section, especially in publicly accessible OpenAPI documents.

  5. Keep It Updated: Regularly update your OpenAPI document to reflect any changes in your server URLs or API endpoints.

Tools and Resources #

Leveraging the servers section can be further enhanced with various tools and platforms:

  • Swagger Editor: An online editor to design, document, and test OpenAPI specifications.
  • Postman: A versatile tool to test APIs that supports importing and utilizing OpenAPI specifications.
  • OpenAPI Generator: A comprehensive tool to generate client SDKs, server stubs, and API documentation from OpenAPI specifications.

These tools simplify working with OpenAPI specifications and help ensure that your servers section is correctly implemented and utilized.

Conclusion #

The servers section in OpenAPI is a fundamental component that specifies where your API is hosted. It’s essential for versioning, separating environments, and facilitating easier testing and consumption of your API. By carefully structuring and documenting the servers section, you can make your API more robust, versatile, and user-friendly.

Use the tools and best practices outlined in this article to make the most out of the servers section in your OpenAPI specifications, ultimately leading to more efficient API development and consumption. For more details on the OpenAPI Specification, consult the official OpenAPI documentation.

Happy API documenting!

This website is not affiliated with the OpenAPI Initiative.